Creating Structures for Joy!

Creating Structures for Joy!

This evening sees a Capricorn Full Moon. This is the second full moon this month and has an energy of both endings and new beginings with a sprinkling of joy as we move into Leo season tomorrow.

A friend asked me yesterday how the full moon was shaping up. Sitting this morning feeling into the energy this is what came and thought I would share with you.

Capricorn gifts us structure, form, responsibility and the ability and desire to achieve goals. This Full Moon feels like it is inviting us to determine the small steps to achieve our plans and with Leo just round the corner why not make these plans or structures to invite in joy daily into our lives?

A triple opportunity!

This Capricorn full moon also co-incides with the last day of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon and associated with our emotional body, the past, family and nurturing. Leo is ruled by the Sun and associated with joy, play, fun, creativity, romance, children, and inner child.

We can work with all these energies to ask what aspects of the past or old pains and emotional hurts are preventing us from living in joy.

  • What needs to be released so we can embrace the joy and fun?

  • What Capricornian structures and commitments will support this?

  • What are the incremental steps or actions towards a life filled with joy - step by step, moment by moment.

Embracing the Leo energy that is knocking on the door at the moment, this might look like creating a container or routine and structure to hold and maintain our emotional nourishment.

What can you do daily to create and sustain this foundation?

  • This could bed as simple as smiling in the mirror in the morning to physically bring sparkling joy in!  

  • Or perhaps you need to reinstate or initiate a meditative practice to allow mental calm?

  • Is there a regular creative practice you can engage in?

  • Drawing, colouring in? Singing, dancing?

    • Something to get the right side of the brain engaged - let the brain rest a moment in the realm of play and allow the sun in!

You can also use this time to release the responsibilities particularly those heavy ones that are not yours to carry and step up with those self-responsibile acts to maintain connection to joy - to the natural bubbling up of joy when we reconnect to the childlike wonder at the world.

For me, I am smiling as I write this, committing to re-establishing my daily meditation routine and about to head off and spend time with my children. I will do a releasing ritual later today, to let go of the responsibilities I am carrying which no longer need to be mine and reaffirm the place of joy in my life.

How about you? What will you let go and what will you invite in?

With much love


PS when I sent this to my friend, she responded saying “Yes, I have been humming little tunes while planting”. In tune and on tune I would say!


What are you committed to?


Our marvellous hearts