Debra Gillespie Debra Gillespie

Our marvellous hearts

I've been doing a bit of reflection lately on the power of love, joy and the heart.

When I read of the dynamic spiral dance of blood and the heart, my heart rejoiced as joy and hope danced within. (Thanks Lynda Wharton for the delightful share).

We are so much more than a mechanistic model of bones, sinews, muscles, blood vessels and organs. There is a life force that flows through us, into us and from us that mechanistic science does not fully acknowledge.

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Debra Gillespie Debra Gillespie

Acceptance, Letting go and Rejoicing

This week I see the departure of a very dear friend as she responds to the call of her soul.

We connected at our first Medicine Woman training over 14yrs ago and have forged an incredibly deep and supportive bond of friendship and love over the years as we navigated the trials and jubilations of personal growth that life and the various healing, shamanic and other extensive training brought us.

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Debra Gillespie Debra Gillespie

Heroes and Heroines

I was recently reflecting on those who inspire me.

Yes there are the courageous heros and heroines of old such as Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, and Ghandhi, or current beacons of light like Marianne Williamson who recently dared to run for US presidential candidacy, and Linda Wharton whose commitment, integrity and grace with her work with the Health Forum NZ is awe inspiring.

But I also have an abundance of friends and people close to me who quietly take courageous steps everyday who are equally inspiring:

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